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Jamie Griffiths

Leeds Indie newcomers The Kites release new single 'Drunk In Japan'!

New on the scene, Leeds outfit The Kites offer a mix of Indie and Alt-Rock in their new single. The band was formed in 2018 by four teenagers who all met in school yet it wasn’t until 2022 when they started to gain popularity with their debut single ‘Jaded’. The release of their new track, ‘Drunk in Japan’ proves they are already gathering momentum and aren’t slowing down anytime soon.

The track starts off with a lucid, catchy guitar riff that immediately draws you in, then, when the chorus hits, you can really feel the nostalgic Indie aesthetic they were going for. Atmospherically, there is an overall upbeat tone of the song while the smooth vocals are instantly appealing and the lyrics about wanting a change in scenery, “wanting to be drunk in Japan with you” , are supported by the continuous looping riff in the background.

The catchy lyrics match the beat of the guitars and drums perfectly. Vocally the performance is very strong and easy to sing along to and the euphoric and joyful crescendo created by a mini guitar solo towards the end leads to a perfect transition into the fading out of the chorus. A undeniably catchy, Indie Pop hit from one of Leeds' most exciting new acts.


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