As soon as the harsh, crunching riff of ‘Thameslink’ kicks in, you know you are in for a wild ride! You wait with anticipation for the inevitable pounding drum beat and you are not disappointed! A blood-thirsty dose of frantic, fuzzy Indie Rock that will tempt you into the mosh pit in seconds.

The vocals have a scrappy drawl to them and ring of mid 00s Indie with tales of nights out and free-spirited youth. They incite an infectiously lairy attitude akin to Arctic Monkeys' first record or the urban storytelling swagger of The Streets. When the chorus kicks in, the whole band unite in singing the chanting vocal lines, adding to this fun-hearted, messy intensity.
The fury is unwavering and the huge, unified vocal calls are infectious, turning even the most reserved of a listener into a jumping ball of mischievous energy. The brief lull towards the later stages of the song lures you in with its tingling ride cymbal hides and dreamy soundscape. Yet it acts merely as bait, catching you at your most vulnerable before launching you back into the sonic whirlpool of angst indie rock explosion!
It’s hard not to get excited by this track and we’re hoping there’s more from PLAY DEAD in 2024.