As the days are getting hotter, so is the selection of new releases. Artists of all genres are getting their best tunes out to the public before we enter the thick of festival season, so we have picked our favourite three of these emerging bands to look out for this summer.
Calva Louise

Perhaps not a band that screams summer, but certainly one that will get you off your feet, garage outfit Calva Louise have landed with their 3rd single 'Outrageous'. The London based trio offer a strange yet inciting variation, not just between different songs but within them too. They present a slightly dreamy, sun kissed coating on top of a harsh, grunge under layer. This is best displayed in their previous single 'Getting Closer'. From hearing the first 30 seconds you may be lulled into thinking that this group are a laid-back surf-pop outfit, with an upbeat lyrical groove providing the basis for most of the song. However, at around the 40 second mark, you are hit with an incongruous scream of raw aggression. Evidence that they are hiding a darker side beneath the vale.
This darker side can also be witnessed in their latest single 'Outrageous'. From the outset you can feel the swagger and angst pour out of this track. The shouts of "Outrageous" are met with American influenced, friction filled chorus of 'La's' that moves around you and can lose you amid the sonic swell. Yet, again, these grungey elements are contrasted by a bouncing sing-a-long melody that is made for their upcoming festival appearances (including Tramlines Fringe). In fact, this whole song, and perhaps their whole style is perfect for the festival atmosphere, whether you're a mosher or a singer, they have something for you. This contrast comes through especially well in the form of lead singer Jess who comes across as a playful and energetic individual, but not someone that you would want to interrupt from her full throttle live performances where she enters another state. The combination of summer synths, fuzzy riffs, tranquil melodies and raucous crescendos is what makes Calva Louise one of the most interesting emerging artists in the UK.
Dylan Cartlidge
Talking of unique combinations, hip-hop influenced Dylan Cartlidge, is perhaps the most unique artists we have come across this year! With his laid back urban rhythms and hazy melodies Dylan does provide the prefect sound for a lazy summer afternoon. On our first listen, we couldn't help but reminisce the early days of Jamie T. The vocal drones layered upon tongue & cheek lyrics could have come straight from 'Panic Prevention' and are what make his tracks so appealing. They don't require a committed intensity and don't force any opinions onto you, all that is needed from the listener is to lay back, and let the disjointed grooves wash over you. Songs such as 'Scratch, Sniff' and 'Love Spoons' emit this infectious funk element that diffuses an extra dose of positive arrogance into your bloodstream, as you feel yourself performing twister-esc dance moves that you have never seen before in your life.
Speaking of Jamie T, Dylan's latest single, and by far our favourite 'Up & Upside Down' has been produced by the man himself and even features a quick verse from the Wimbledon rapper. Jamie once described his own music as "liquid shit being poured in your ear", not the most enticing image we know, but it got across his style in the early days. We wouldn't go as far as to describe this track as liquid shit but Jamie has certainly added his trademark fractured sounds onto the record. Complimented by the instantly memorable chorus, 'Up & Upside Down' conveys everything that Dylan Cartlidge is about. Rap, hip-hop, indie and funk all reworked into one delicious summer cocktail.
Nic Cester
Our final pick for BOOT WATCH is not strictly a new artist so we are breaking the rules a bit here. It IS a new project though, from Nic Cester, the front man of Jet. Now we know you might be thinking "Oh god, desperate musician who tasted fame a few years ago and is doing all they can to recreate it", but do not be alarmed. We thought this could have been the case. So many ex-stars attempt to re-launch their music career, merely playing off the fans of years gone by to make money from very mediocre music. Even Jet themselves, although producing some quality, era-defining records, were not the most pioneering. However, Cester has completely changed any preconceptions we had with this new, more bluesy solo project. The album 'Sugar Crush' is set for release on the 27th of July, and by the sounds of the first 3 singles, it's going to be a cracker.
Each of the tracks offers something slightly different so hopefully they cater to a range of interests. The first release, 'Psichebello' (beautiful psyche), is as abstract and intriguing as it sounds. A lucid serenade of vocals slipping in between a psychedelic atmosphere all comes together with a minute long breakdown of technical funk drumming, flutes and synths. 'Sugar Rush', the albums title track gives off more extravagant, blues rock vibe, packed with a bassy swell, occasionally pierced by fluttering guitar improvisation. If you are a fan of The Black Keys then this one is for you. But don't think that this album is all atmosphere, both 'Psichebello' and 'Eyes On The Horizon' feature uplifiting, summer chorus' making use of Cester's distinctive vocals. So, whatever your preferences, we can guarantee that Nic Cester has something to turn your head.