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Manchester's Indie Pop duo, Sleepyhead, return with new EP 'Red'

Manchester's Indie Pop duo, Sleepyhead, returned last month with their new three-track EP 'Red' that provides a slick and concise showcase of the direction they are taking their music.

The EP kicks off with 'Trying', a swelling bad that jumps from a tranquil opening to a warm, nostalgic Indie ramble filled with echoed vocals, layered harmonies and a background synth line that adds a bright finesse throughout. This aforementioned warmth is a trait that runs throughout the EP with each track radiating a fuzzy, coming-of-age atmosphere that is warm and comforting as if it's built for late night drives returning from a summer road trip.

'Placekicker' continues this theme with it's distinctly Americanised Indie melody. The drawn out vocal lines are smooth and glide across the top of the subtle, lo-fi guitar riff. The heart of this song is the vocal harmonies that blend together beautifully and highlight the band's unique duet aspect.

The EP is then rounded off with the most angsty track of the three, 'Casserole' that leads with a gritty guitar tone that rings of suburban American Indie once again. When the rolling tambourine is introduced it combines a Mancunian edge into this American air and creates a cool blend of their influences. Smooth vocal lines lay at the heart of the track once again while synth lines provide that textural foundation that does well to make the band feel much more than just a duo.

Look out for more to come from Sleepyhead in the rest of 2023!


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