The delicate romance that opens the latest Déyyess single 'Claire' immediately puts you under a spell, enthralling you in a dreamy soundscape. The vocals are intimate, almost whispering the love-filled lyricism, perhaps mimicking the detachment that the speaker feels from this romance given that it is unrequited.

The instrumentation matches this dreamy feel but injects a bigger energy, creating a shimmering Lo-Fi Indie sound similar to Abbie Ozard and Phoebe Green. Lyrically, the aforementioned unrequited love is heartfelt as Déyyess yearns for the attention of ‘Claire’ who cannot love her back.
The ability to convey such powerful emotion in a lucid, dreamy tone is really special and you can’t help but become wrapped up in the heartache, as the song instantly makes you think of the one that got away.