Formed in the midst of lockdown in an Aussie trailer house, The Terrys make just the type of music you would expect to come out of that environment. It is frantic, agitated and full of scrappy energy. Yet, they are not a band that sacrifice melody for energy, there songs are full of big riffs and catchy vocal lines that are oftentimes poignant and radiating with coming-of-age, bittersweet tones. Their recent single ‘Silent Disco’ was the perfect example of this, combining a Punk intensity with Indie Rock melodies to produce an infectious concoction with a playful Surf tinge that you would associate with fellow countrymen Skeggs.

Now, they have retiurned with another loveable hit that leans more into an Urban mid 00s Indie sound with hints of Jamie T filling the verses with spoken-word, lyrical musings of every day life presented in poetic form. A slick, funky drum rhythm and laid back bass line lead the way, providing a destinct inner-city feeling. The vocals have an appealing unrefined yet heartfelt tone and give offer a coming-of-age feel just like those on 'Panic Prevention'. The chorus really ramps things up, blending thick guitar lines and lots of layered textures to provide a really full, poignant, singalong chorus!
The sharp guitar flair that enters the track later on injects a fuzzy intensity and when all combines together it creates a powerful force of youthful, emotive spirit that is hard not to love!