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We'll try to stay clear of reviewing the album too much here (if you want to read our review then check it out >> DUMB BLOOD - ALBUM REVIEW ) but we have to make it known how much we fucking love this record! Blending inescapable political messages with raw, sweat-dripping punk-rock. Mattie (VANT front-man and the main vehicle behind the project) himself commented that he was "incredibly happy" with the album, believing that "it is one of the best British Rock album's of the last few years... I don't mean that with arrogance, but i think it stands up to anything released recently. It's something that we're all really proud of and excited to share with the world at a time when the world needs to hear it."


One of Vant's major features is their social and political insight into our modern world. It can often be difficult, when producing such a message-orientated album to find the correct balance between the music, and the meaning behind it, as Mattie himself admitted, "quite often the two don't go together, there's a lot of political artists where i just can't get on with the music". However When asked if they had ever struggled to maintain their sound when creating a song with a social message, Mattie replied "No, I don't think so, it's always about the songs and that comes first and foremost. If I can write a good song but also add the sub-context of the lyricism being about important issues then it adds a whole new dimension to the way we present ourselves...but we'd never want it to compromise the music"

Another major issue for any political band is that of trying to bring something so serious to the masses. As soon as you present a volatile topic in any art-form, the art can become exclusive to the art industry, to really make the message heard by the masses you have to present it via a mainstream channel such as social media or indie/pop music. The undeniable quality in Vant's music , along with their ability to appeal to a wider audience benefits them greatly in this respect . However, the other side to this problem that Mattie has felt more often is the issue of attempting to convey a message regarding delicate content so forcefully , yet while still treating it with a level of sensitivity. "The best example is Parking Lot. It's about rape in American colleges...that was something that was hard to write about because you have to be so delicate. I think empathy is the key word with anything you write about if it's something your not entirely sure on, whether it's gay rights , black rights or women's rights. I support all of those but I can never truly understand what it's like to be a black lesbian woman in Southern USA , as long as you stay respectful there shouldn't be any subject that your afraid of.


It had to be talked about I'm afraid. "Iv'e been fascinated and appalled by the whole process. I went out their with a film-maker and we made a little documentary which will be out soon and will hopefully give a bit more insight. I wanted to talk to people on both sides and try and make some sense of where we are as a species, it was an incredibly inspiring journey." Believing that he had gained more understanding of how a man like Trump could win an election in 21st century society Mattie explained that "People just wanted change, when they see the same problems occurring in their day to day life under a certain government they want change. Unfortunately this isn't always a good change.


@heavydirtywork via twitter - What is your most memorable gig ? - "We played with FIDLAR the day after the Paris attacks , i cried in Soundcheck looking out to an empty room of a similar size as in Paris. The only way i could get on stage was because i knew our songs had relevance. Fuji Rock in Japan was also incredible , it was absolutely mind boggling to all of us that we could travel that far and have 10 thousand people jumping around who know the words"

@bethxlockhart via twitter - What is your favourite song to play on tour - "I'm not too sure..they're all good haha..probably Fly-by Alien as we can play around with the middle section as much as we want"

Jayne Henry via Facebook - Would you ever consider becoming a political party - "NO! I don't want to take part in a flawed system.

@cal_stoyles Via twitter - who's the best band you've supported or been supported by? - "The best band we've supported is FIDLAR, we've supported a lot of great bands but there was just something special about their show. The best band that has have supported us is definitely Tigercub, they deserve so much more attention than they currently have."

Hannah Pope Via Facebook - If you could choose an album to be the soundtrack to your life what would it be? - "Neil Young (Live at Massey Hall), The interaction between himself and the audience is amazing."

@CatchyMcG1 Via Twitter - I love Mattie, does Mattie love me? - "YES!!"

Grab their debut album or see them live via their website !

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