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The LaFontaines - Liverpool Arts Club

Indie, Hip-Hop, Rock and Rap all packed into a cramped sweaty Liverpool venue. What more could you ask for on a Monday night? This edgy blend of genres seems to be one of the only of its kind around at the moment and its just what this generation needs.The cultures of opposing genres have become increasingly intertwined over the past years, with artists such as twenty one pilots reviving the skate-punk and pop connections and similarly, 'RATBOY' bringing elements of rap and rough indie beat tracks to the masses, however a few genre pairings remain un-tampered with. Scottish five-piece 'The LaFontaines' have brought one of the many cultural divides a step closer in the form of an indie / hip-hop mash up.

A smaller venue than you might expect from a band awarded the title of best live act at the 'Scottish Alternative Music Awards' , however LaFontains lead singer Kerr Okan as well as the rest of the band embraced the compact surroundings. Okan, constantly joking with the audience, speaking to them directly and even entering into the center of the crowd to watch John Gerard's intro to 'Window Seat'. This audience participation suited the band perfectly, breaking down the wall between performer and observer, giving the sense that the band themselves were enjoying the night as much as the crowd. Managing to achieve the feeling that Okan repeatedly stressed, that "We are all here TOGETHER" and creating a high spirited, friendly atmosphere throughout the night. His animated persona highlighted his credentials as a performer as well as a rapper and has to be commended as one of the best modern front-men, and crowd motivation has to be up their with the best.

Overall the night became a superb showcase for everything the band is about, maintaining the energy from first song to last, never giving the devotees a chance to stop moving. The hour and a half of music bombardment left everybody present not only wanting more but wishing they had been on stage themselves. Check out their YouTube channel to see videos of their latest album but the LaFontaines are definitely a band best served live, catch them at one of their upcoming tour dates or purchase their new album 'Class' by heading over to their website .

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